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2024 Schedule

  • Board Meeting #1:  January 16, 2024

    • All vetted proposals* are due electronically by December 21, 2023

  • Board Meeting #2:  May 14, 2024

    • All vetted proposals* are due electronically by April 26, 2024​

  • Board Meeting #3:  August 20, 2024​

    • We are very sorry, but The Gilbert Foundation is now 'granted out' for the 2024 calendar year.  Grant-making will resume in January of 2025. 

  • Board Meeting #4:  October 15, 2024

* Please ensure that your proposal meets the Gilbert Foundation guidelines by reviewing the information on the 'Proposal Guidelines' page. 


Note that all proposals must be reviewed by the

 Executive Director prior to submittal.

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